Microsoft Office 365 Provides Threat Intelligence, Secure Score, Advanced Data Governance
Microsoft Office 365 releases three security products, including Threat Intelligence service, Secure Social and the Advanced Data Governance solution to the users of Microsoft. Working in the IT industry will know about the importance of cyber-security always remain supreme. Sometimes, while you are unable to confine a single security signal might be a serious threat to the users; and the numbers of signals are continuously increasing. In such case, it is not possible for the users to individually handle the threats. Hence, Microsoft Office 365 has added a few new functionalities and features in their product, to assist the users with their security apprehensions. If you need more info about the office, 365 releases visit Office setup website, or for any technical support from the team of Microsoft, you can dial the toll-free number of Microsoft customer support. Microsoft Office 365 Threat Intelligence According to the Microsoft Announcement, Office 365 Threat Intelligence ser...